Hi! My name is Kit. I’m a historical costumer focusing on 16th century Italian women’s clothing, but I dabble in other time periods too. I have also recently begun wearing vintage style clothing every day! If you’d like to learn more about my vintage obsession, I have a separate blog for that: The Vintage Sewing Kit.

My mother taught me how to sew when I was a child, but really, I’ve only been sewing since 2008, when I bought my first sewing machine and completed my first independent project (15 years later). I discovered historical costuming and simply *had* to make 16th century clothing. Then I started following other costumers’ blogs, some of whom also did 18th century clothing. I simply *had* to make 18th century clothing, too.

I participate in the Society for Creative Anachronism, as well as other historically costumed events. I am a citizen of the East Kingdom, located in the Barony of Dragonship Haven. I love recreating the details and appearance of historical paintings, so I’m generally fully bedeck’d at events. I’m known for my brightly colored garb (such as bright orange and hot pink), despite the lesser popularity of these colors in history.