My miscellaneous projects have brought me time and again back to Your Wardrobe Unlock’d: The Costume Maker’s Companion, 1700-1920 and Foundation Revealed: The Corset Maker’s Companion, so I have signed up. I am quite excited at the wealth of information at my fingertips!
I had previously reviewed every free article on FR when I was working on my mint green corset, but there was so much information available across the web that I didn’t sign up then and there. Now, in my searches for Elizabethan drawn thread work, I came across an LJ post of some lovely drawn thread cuffs which leads back to YWU. This was irresistible, I had to have it and I immediately signed up. Theoretically, YWU’s date ranges are just outside of my major interests (1500-1600), but there is still wealth enough to make it worth my attention and money.
Now, back to the drawn thread research!