This gown began around June 2018 and is technically incomplete still (until I finish sewing the bodice lining in…someday). I used The Modern Maker 2 to design the pattern and as a basis for the padstitching methods, but it took me a long time to get through the padstitching. The back is pretty loosely padstitched, just to hold the layers together. I demonstrated the padstitching of the bodice as part of my A&S display at Pennsic 2018, which was surprisingly well received, despite the lameness of my “display” overall. It may not have caught the eye, but many people were happy to see exactly how padstitching worked
After the padstitching, I basted the outer fabric to the interlining and turned the edges to the inside and basted the edges down to the interlining. Next came decoration, which was the lacy looking gold trim, edged by gold cord on either side of the trim. I basted the lace trim, then whipstitched the cord onto the edge of the lace, attaching both at once. The basting thread was later removed.
The skirt was assembled next, also using TMM2 bara-based patterns. The skirt turned out a little long after I finished the padded hem and trim by machine, so I later added a tuck by hand.
And finally, here’s a bunch of pictures of the finished gown at Known World Costuming and Fiber Arts 2019. Photos by Kristen Hammock.
A few pictures from St. Eligius 2019:
And one more picture of the back of the gown at Castle Wars 2019 while presenting TRM Meridies with a gift from HRM East. I love this picture!